steve-o.  here this is a test.  not that.  this.  maybe you will not mind my test.  i am putting this here for generations. stop me if you have heard this one.  is this about that. sometimes.  still. that does not answer my question. questions.

after two years i finally own  stories to tell.  second chances.  what you need is a disaster.  then you can understand how to be built for the world.  it is just a world.


it is just a world.
one world.

>>>>>  news / (who is this guy) / tour

1.     music for when you are not moving (sad rock):

october army aphonic snow another extreme sad_rock rushmore my silence

2.     music for the twenty-something (big winner):

heart money how do you do the ocean driving inspiration

photographs in proper form and style:

guitaro steveo SHOWS

please tell steve exactly what he means to you:

campfire fire absolutely everything is a symbol sad_rock (props to the muse) the sound in the music FULL ALBUM<<< where should you go next
